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Legend (LegacyN/LISS_SampleSites)

LISS_Sample_Sites (0)
LISS_Sample_Watersheds (1)
CT_Farmland_1934 (2)
<all other values> <all other values>
1 - farm with stone walls 1 - farm with stone walls
2 - field with trees in stone walls, possible pasture 2 - field with trees in stone walls, possible pasture
6 - possible farm, no stone walls 6 - possible farm, no stone walls
3 - field w/early succession in stone walls 3 - field w/early succession in stone walls
5 - field w/regen forest in stone walls 5 - field w/regen forest in stone walls
4 - grass w/house in stone walls 4 - grass w/house in stone walls
7 - unsure, no stone walls 7 - unsure, no stone walls